Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A Few Of My Favorite Things

Starting this on Saturday night because I'm awesome like that.

10) Pink roses.

Roses from family friends after I made my debut
9) Board games.

8) My grandmother's diamond ring.

7) Wine.

6) Dancing, singing, starring in musicals so I can dance AND sing (and act!).

5) Being right.

4) Books, libraries, bookstores, notebooks, pens, paper, words, blogs, journals...

Shakespeare & Co. in Paris
3) Paris.

2) Friends and family.

1) Beau.

At Rose and Landon's wedding in March

What makes you happy? Tell me in the comments or tweet at me!


  1. oooohhhhh..... I love books too! The kind on paper, that you can hold in your hands and underline! Im boycotting kindle!

    1. I never thought I could love an ereader... until I backpacked through France for 12 days, and then backpacked to Oslo/Bergen/Paris/London/Nice over three weeks. I couldn't carry a dozen books with me, so having a kindle was a lifesaver. It will never replace *real* books, which I love with a passion, but it's extremely convenient for travel!

  2. I love board games! And totally agree about the eReader! I love real books, but for traveling ereaders are amazing!

    1. I feel like board games are one of those things that become "uncool" for awhile, but then everyone gets over their "cool" phase to admit board games are the best. I was the teenager who always wanted to play board games, but only convinced my friends to do so if it was pouring rain.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! Seeing the photos on your blog, that's quite the compliment. :)


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