I recently received a comment from a new reader, Carolynn. Apparently we both met our significant others via okcupid. After some emailing back and forth, she volunteered to write a guest post for me! Her timing was perfect since I needed some guest writers while I'm on vacation and without wifi this week. Carolynn is owner and designer behind Silver Moon Creations, and blogs at Kitty Adventures about sewing, crochet, knitting, and sometimes marriage. She loves God, biking with her husband, braiding hair, and is hopelessly addicted to instagram.
Wearing my kitty ears! |
So, I'm not a virgin. I lost my virginity at 18 to a guy
named Tim one night at his house. We were dating, and we had been for a year. I
loved him.
Well, maybe we should back up even more. I'd been raised all my life to wait
until marriage to have sex. My mom married my dad because she was pregnant with
me. Now, don't think my mom was indoctrinating me with the “you-must-be-a-virgin-or-shame-will-cover-you”
speech. No, she was real. She told me about her mistakes, and opened her heart
to me, and really explained that sex creates a bond (and babies), and should not
be taken lightly, explaining that it means something. She was a really great
mom, who wasn't afraid to share her life with me. I listened and made my own
choice, one that yes, I do regret, for the complicated reasons below.
Well, so Tim. We had sex, and I'll be honest, I didn't really like it much. It
hurt. A lot. But he seemed to enjoy it, and I could tell he loved me. But then
he broke up with me, and we haven't spoken since.
Two years into our relationship, I was raped. I was raped by a really good guy
friend of mine. It's a very complicated story, that involves lies (I had told
Tim I would never be alone with another guy, and obviously, I was) and pain,
and broken trust (I had kissed this guy and made out with him—nothing further,
a handful of times—while dating Tim). But one day, as we were kissing in his
car, he moved from his seat to sit on top of me. He put his hands under my
shirt. I said stop. He didn't. I said please. He didn't stop. I closed my eyes;
I went limp. After it was over, I sat there completely numb, scared. But
because I had kissed him, because we were alone and good friends, because he
told me I wanted it--I blamed myself. And Tim said to me, after I told him the
truth, "If you hadn't been alone with him..."
Anyway, the rapist, who doesn't even deserve a pseudonym, thought he loved me.
He would e-mail me and text me and AIM me, until I blocked him. I did go to the
hospital, but I didn't press charges. Strangely, I felt sorry for him. I didn't
even understand my own feelings. This made it harder to talk about my rape,
harder to not blame myself. One day I unblocked him, and he messaged me right
away. He said he felt bad for hurting me. He was sorry. So I told him via AIM
that I was okay. I told him I felt like it was my fault. He took all our AIMs from
the previous year up to this point and showed them to Tim, who, of course,
couldn't understand why I felt sorry for a man who had hurt me. Some of the messages
from when we had first met, honestly, were very flirtatious (I like your smile;
you looked cute today—nothing dirty).
Tim called me a whore and never spoke to me again. And I hated myself.