I know I do this a lot, and I realize these are lazy posts. In fact, these are probably the only posts that I manage to write in less than an hour.
But y'all. Sometimes the keyword search terms that lead to my blog are just too damn funny. Or, in this case, apparently I talk about my boobs way more than I thought I did.
For SEO purposes, I will now hide the word boobs at least three times in every post.
This is from 3pm on January 25, 2013 to 2pm on February 1, 2013.
Hey, if you found my blog via a google search, care to share with me? What did you google, and which post did you find?
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Comments are moderated because I receive a lot of spam, and I think CAPTCHA is annoying. I reply to most of your comments within the comment section because it inspires discussion between readers. For first-time commenters, I try to reply by email.
Yes, you can comment anonymously. Yes, you can disagree with me. However, as of 05/31/2013, if you are commenting anonymously, and your words are hateful or abusive, I will publish these at my discretion. I like that my blog can be a forum for discussion, but anything that blames or mocks survivors of sexual assault will NOT be tolerated.