Last year I reviewed the best ebook I've ever purchased: Flat-Out Love by Jessica Park. I have recommended this book to anyone, man or woman, who asks for book recommendations. It is such a fun, easy read with complex characters, witty (but realistic!) dialogue, and an intriguing plot.
A few weeks ago I received an email from, one that reminded me of why I sign up for company emails even when I delete 75% of them. Amazon just wanted me to know that Jessica Park had a new ebook out. Not just a new ebook, but a companion novella to Flat-Out Love, called Flat-Out Matt.
I flipped a shit, in a good way. I have Amazon Prime, so I was eligible to borrow Flat-Out Matt for free, but I decided to buy it anyway. When you find an author you really love, it's important to support her as much as possible!
Before I get into my actual review, I should post a huge spoiler warning. Do NOT read this book before reading Flat-Out Love. Some companion novels can be read in either order, but this is NOT true for Flat-Out Love and Flat-Out Matt.
The first book is told from Julie's POV, and the companion novella (much shorter than the original) is told from Matt's POV. It's just as beautiful and emotional as the first one.