Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Shoutouts: I'm Such a Feminist

It's been a great week in my personal and professional life! My city did Restaurant Week, so Lauren and I went to a local Indian restaurant for dinner on Monday. Then Beau was able to be in town for work stuff on Wednesday, so we had two lovely nights together. Then I was in Miami for less than 48 hours doing some kickass promotion for the documentary How to Lose Your Virginity. This had the added benefit of seeing one of my best friends for the first time in four and a half years! We joined the same sorority in January 2006 (delayed recruitment) and were best friends within weeks. We don't get to see each other very often, but whenever we do, it's like no time has passed.

I spent a lot of time waiting around at the airport Thursday night and Saturday morning, so I spent a lot of time reading articles on my phone. Find out what I liked the best!

Biggest Truth Bomb About Wendy Davis: One of these days, I'll write a how-to guide on how to criticize someone without being racist or sexist. Seriously, the coverage of Wendy Davis's minor inconsistencies in the details of her biography has been incredibly inflammatory and sexist. I loved this article that called out the bullshit. Just a little sample of its awesomeness.
"Following your fundamental nature; learning that there is a whole big world out there; adjusting your aspirations upward; getting some help from people who believe in you, people whose well-being is entangled with your own: this is the stuff of the typical American success story, the American dream. It’s a story we fall in love with, except, apparently, when the dreamer happens to be female.
Most Eye-Opening: I casually talk about privilege a lot, but I know that if you're not spending all your free time reading up on feminist issues, privilege is hard to understand. This essay by Petticoat Despot is a great introduction to the topic.

Most Artistic: I absolutely loved this photo series of a dad and his baby. It's hilarious.

Best Binge Read: I divide the blogs I read into two categories: daily reads and binge reads. Blogs I read daily are usually those who post 3-4 times a week. Keeping up with most of their posts is not a huge time commitment. Blogs I binge-read are either written by bloggers who post 5+ times a week OR are mainly focused on serious issues. I binge-read them when I want to catch up with the blogger's life or when I'm in the mood for a LOT of meaty, thought-provoking work. Today I binge-read Kitty Adventures by Carolynn. Y'all might remember that she guest-posted for me last year. Today I spent about an hour and a half reading her blog. 

This post about funny conversations with her husband totally cracked me up.

I'm blown away by Carolynn's honesty and vulnerability in writing about infertility and miscarriage. Her latest post on her grief is just beautiful.

Her photos from the fog are downright ethereal.

Most Rage-Worthy: Yes, Virginia, sexism does exist. Women die not just because of obvious forms of sexism, like rape and forced birth, but because fucking sexist idiots are still in charge of medical and safety standards. Did you know that until 2011, the fucking 21st century, car crash dummies were ONLY MALE?! I literally just learned that today, and I'm pretty well-versed in women's issues. 

I want to leave this on a high note, since not everything I read is rage-worthy.

Most Inspiring: It's so great to read encouraging essays by teenagers! I love young feminists! This young woman totally gets why Modesty Culture is such a problem.

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