Friday, July 27, 2012

Book Club Friday: The Socialites and the SAT Tutors

According to my goodreads account, I've read 41 books in 2012. This does not count rereads of books, which would bump up my number considerably. And it might be missing a few books I forgot to record. But according to My Library, I've reviewed considerably less. Oops.

In a desperate attempt to catch up, at least with the best books I've read, I'm again linking up with Heather & Katie for Book Club Friday!

Being home for three weeks has given me plenty of time to read leisurely while laying out by the pool, or while sitting on the pool steps, or while relaxing in my pool float. Two books I finished recently are both about recent Ivy League graduates with student loans to repay, graduates who end up tutoring rich high school students. 

How to Teach Filthy Rich GirlsGlamorous Disasters: A Novel

How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls, by Zoey Dean, is uproariously hysterical. I giggled throughout the entire thing. Yes, it required a total suspension of disbelief, but whatever. It's a shining example of chick lit. Clever, escapist, romantic... And apparently it inspired a short-lived TV series called Privileged. Who knew?

Although it has a similar premise, Glamorous Disasters by Eliot Schrefer has only flashes of humor and presents a much darker overall tone. I still very much enjoyed it, devouring the novel in an entire (admittedly depressing) afternoon at the pool (I was just in a horrible mood Monday, for no good reason at all).

Wow. Who knew I could write such a short review? I guess I left out summaries this time, but I did link to the amazon page for both books, if you're dying to know more. ;)


  1. Both sound good for reading by the pool!

  2. I definitely need to check out a Zoey Dean book!

    Congrats on 41 books... I'm sure I'm somewhere around 10 haha

    1. She's written some fun stuff!

      Reading is pretty much my favorite thing, and I do it rather quickly. It's much easier for me than for most people to read a ton of books.

  3. Great books! I want to check out the Dean book for sure!

    Stopping by (a little late) from the linkup :)


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