No offense, but your understanding of modest culture is very wrong. you're judging all of us based on what a few people have said. modesty is for BOTH men and women, so it's not sexist. If it really was about "women cover up so men don't get tempted" then THAT would be bad. But no, it's about both men and women dressing appropriately according to location, both saving themselves for the person they love, and all the rules are appIied for both sexes. It's balanced that way, unlike the western culture, which has women so routinely naked and men covered. That it sexist, is it not? It's just as bad as calling a girl a slut and praising the boy. And shaming us for being modest and assuming our reasons is just as bad as slut-shaming and assuming their reasons for dressing a certain way. Modesty is nice. It's our choice. Please stop bashing it. Thanks.
Yeah, okay.
Let's break this down bit by bit.
No offense, but your understanding of modest culture is very wrong. you're judging all of us based on what a few people have said.
Countless people have shared their stories at No Shame Movement of how religious people shamed them for their bodies. I've featured guest posts on my own blog from women who grew up in Christian cultures that taught them harmful messages about their breasts causing men to sin. Not to mention I've shared my own experiences of the Christian church objectifying me.
Oh, and literally just a few days ago, another Christian dude-bro decided to chime in and tell women to cover up so we don't cause our brothers to "stumble."
#christiancleavage in its entirety, ladies and gentlemen. THE INTERNET IS FOREVER BUAHAHAHA
— Emily Joy (@softlysoaring) January 23, 2015
No offense, but a hell of a lot more than "a few" people preach that women must dress a certain way, or we're responsible for men's lust.
modesty is for BOTH men and women, so it's not sexist.
Bull. Shit. Remember the hypocritical mom who judged teenage girls for being sexy online while posting pictures of her teenage sons shirtless at the beach?
And the countless articles that come out every spring admonishing women not to wear bikinis? Why don't they ever tell men to cover up at the beach?
If it really was about "women cover up so men don't get tempted" then THAT would be bad.
At least you agree with me in principle. You're just blind to any reality other than your own little bubble.
Go read another one of my posts on modesty and lust and the misapplication of Romans.
But no, it's about both men and women dressing appropriately according to location, both saving themselves for the person they love, and all the rules are appIied for both sexes. It's balanced that way, unlike the western culture, which has women so routinely naked and men covered. That it sexist, is it not?
If it was about people dressing appropriately according to location, people would stop having conniption fits about women wearing bikinis at the pool or beach.
I'm criticizing Western Culture. I'm assuming you're not American. I am. I am writing from the perspective of an American Christian feminist who thinks Modesty Culture and Purity Culture promote harmful, sexist ideas. While the choice in the media to have scantily-clad women alongside fully-clothed men (like in Blurred Lines) is one that objectifies women, the individual choice of women to wear bikinis on the beach or shorts in the summer is good.
It's just as bad as calling a girl a slut and praising the boy. And shaming us for being modest and assuming our reasons is just as bad as slut-shaming and assuming their reasons for dressing a certain way. Modesty is nice. It's our choice. Please stop bashing it. Thanks.
I assume English is not your first language. I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to say here. This is my best response.
Yes, the slut-player dichotomy is wrong.
Don't put words into my mouth. Tell me where, exactly, I wrote a SINGLE WORD shaming anyone for their choice in clothing. You can wear whatever you want. I don't care.
The problem is when society pressures women to dress a certain way for the benefit of men. In Modesty Culture, that means Christians and churches often shame women into dressing a certain way for the sole purpose of protecting men. "Don't cause your Christian brothers to stumble" is a frequent admonition to women.
Again, don't put words into my mouth. Where did I assume why an individual person dresses a certain way?
I am critiquing a culture that shames women into dressing a certain way, and punishes them if they don't.
So, no offense, but maybe you shouldn't leave condescending comments that indicate a clear lack of understanding of the issue at hand.
You crack me up. You sound like about three of my best friends all rolled into one terrifying fireball. Hey, as long as it's directed at the chauvinists, they have it coming :-D